The Saxonburg Area Authority is responsible for the operation and maintenance of wastewater treatment facilities consisting of a 2.052-MGD oxidation ditch style sewage treatment plant, seven collection system pumping stations and the associated force mains, one wastewater treatment plant headworks pump station and the associated collection and conveyance sewers.
The wastewater treatment facility located on Renfrew Road in Penn Township is currently treating wastewater generated from approximately 4,500 customers located in Saxonburg Borough, Jefferson Township, Clinton Township, Penn Township and Middlesex Township, all in Butler County. This facility was placed into operation in April 2007.
The facility is permitted through the Department of Environmental Protection with a hydraulic loading limit of 2.052 million gallons per day. Currently, the facility operates at an average hydraulic loading of approximately 800,000 gallons per day. This facility was designed to accommodate the growth of the service area through year 2027; however, we anticipate the facility will accommodate growth for the next 20 years.
The Authority employs certified wastewater treatment plant operators to conduct all required operations, maintenance and laboratory analysis at the facility. Laboratory testing is completed on the wastewater entering into the plant and the water exiting the plant. The treated water that exits the plant is discharged into the Connoquenessing Creek. This discharge water is treated and tested in accordance with limits established by the Department of Environmental Protection.
The Authority is also responsible for the operation and maintenance of seven wastewater pumping stations located throughout the service area. These pumping stations collect wastewater that drains by gravity sewer lines in the individual drainage sheds. After collection, the pump stations pump the wastewater through forced sewer lines into the next drainage shed. Ultimately, all wastewater flows to the Authority’s wastewater treatment facility for treatment. Each of these seven pump stations and the wastewater treatment facility are operated by the Authority’s operations’ staff.
The Authority maintains approximately 140 miles of sanitary sewer lines including collection, conveyance, interceptor and forced main sewer lines. These sewer lines are used throughout the service area to transfer wastewater to pump stations and/or the wastewater treatment facility.